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Dilworth IP is very excited to announce our newly formed partnership with the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute (YEI).  YEI’s mission is to foster innovation at Yale by providing resources and education in the form of incubator space, seed funding, and mentoring, as well as educational programs on the legal and business considerations of entrepreneurship.  This mission meshes well with Dilworth IP’s commitment to education and innovation. Seeing the great value in encouraging and mentoring students in their pursuit of entrepreneurial success, the firm has partnered with YEI to provide legal resources to its start-ups in the form of educational training, resource materials, and counseling.

For more information about YEI, visit their website at


Dilworth IP is an intellectual property and business law firm providing legal services in the areas of patent and trademark prosecution, opinions, agreements and litigation in the chemical, biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device, material science, consumer products, electronics, software, and semiconductor industries.  We’ve been in the lab.  Whether your invention is a controlled-release pharmaceutical, a fuel cell, or a new polyolefin catalyst, our attorneys will speak your language and listen well.  We’ll quickly grasp nuances of your complex technology and capture the IP protection you deserve. To learn more about the firm, please visit