The following article originated as a CURE NewsAlert:

Dr. Anthony Sabatelli of Dilworth IP testified March 8 at the State Capitol in Hartford on behalf of CURE re S.B. No. 313, An Act Concerning Biological Products, stating that the bill “is in the best interest of patients, the State’s thriving biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, healthcare providers, pharmacists, and the public at large.”

Anthony Sabatelli, Ph.D., who is a partner at Dilworth IP and chair of CURE’s Government Affairs Committee, provided the testimony. “This Bill is an important step to bring Connecticut in line with the nearly 20 states that have already enacted similar legislation and the 12 states in which such legislation is progressing,” Dr. Sabatelli said.

“This legislation would ensure that physicians and patients have access to interchangeable biological products as a more cost effective treatment when it is in the best interest of the patient. Without enactment of this legislation, Connecticut retail pharmacies would not be permitted to substitute these interchangeable biological products,” Dr. Sabatelli testified.

Click Here for Full Testimony

For more information on CURE please visit their website HERE

Dilworth IP is an intellectual property and business law firm providing legal services in the areas of patent and trademark prosecution, opinions and agreements in the chemical, biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device, material science, consumer products, electronics, software, and semiconductor industries. We’ve been in the lab. Whether your invention is a controlled-release pharmaceutical, a fuel cell, or a new circuit schematic, our attorneys will speak your language and listen well. We’ll quickly grasp nuances of your complex technology and capture the IP protection you deserve. To learn more about the firm, please visit