IPWatchdog LIVE 2023

Dilworth IP is excited to announce that trademark attorney Julie Tolek will join the intellectual property conference, IPWatchdog LIVE 2023, as moderator of the breakout session titled “The Infringing Underbelly of AI: Is Resistance Futile?” The conference, hosted by IPWatchdog, will be held September 17-19 in Herndon, VA.

Corporate IP Counsel: Advocate of IP Alignment in the Enterprise – Educating R&D About Intellectual Property

As in-house IP counsel, your expertise is essential in fostering intellectual property awareness within your R&D team. By promoting regular, interactive IP education discussions around a variety of targeted topics, you can strengthen your company’s IP strategy and help to safeguard its valuable intangible assets at the wellspring of innovation.

Critical Considerations When Developing Your Brand Protection Strategy: Conducting A Thorough Risk Assessment

A robust brand protection strategy hinges on the critical role of well-executed risk assessments. By looking inward at your brand’s strengths and weaknesses with a thorough SWOT analysis, and looking externally at the competitive landscape, you will gain a well-rounded view of what challenges your brand faces to help ensure its enduring success.

Corporate IP Counsel: Advocate of IP Alignment in the Enterprise – Building Relationships with R&D

A strong relationship between your IP counsel and your technical team goes a long way to building and protecting your company’s intellectual property. By demonstrating their technical expertise, facilitating spontaneous discussions, and finding opportunities to learn and teach, IP counsel can become honorary members of the technical team and drivers of IP awareness throughout the organization.